Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This seems to be a common image these days in the world of BYU sports.  There are few things that make me more frustrated than BYU losing to Utah.  I'm beginning to feel like I did when I was a freshman here at BYU  when the sports teams never ceased to disappoint.  Early this season I was feeling confident we might actually win a game in the "March Madness" NCAA tourney.  Now I'm begining to wonder if we'll even make the tourney.  Well maybe one day we'll advance past the first round, but all I can do is sit here and hope.  
     Other than BYU basketball being a huge disappointment and giving me the desire to plunge off the Kimball tower (jk), life has been pretty good.  Speaking of freshman year I had a date friday and we went to dinner and got ice cream at the creamery on 9th afterwards so freshman-like mmm... good memories of Freshman year.  I appologize this week's post does not seem very exciting.  Its not that the week hasn't been exciting it actually has been very eventful, but I don't really know how to write about it...

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Del

Another week has passed and that means the blogging assignment must be done.  Brother Clarke (MCom teacher) gave us an assignment last week of which we should report on in our blogs.  We were told to buy a random person a coke.  This task was accomplished last night at Del Taco.  Before I explain how it went down (not all that exciting) i'd like to share how tuesdays at the del began.  A Friend (Gobble) and myself had become obsessed with Taco Bell over the summer, and we would frequent it usually late at night for our "4th meal."  At the end of the summer we went out for our traditional 4th meal and were stunnned when taco bell had pulled a fast one and started closing at 11 pm.  In our disgust we had to find another place to eat, so we chose Del Taco as a second rate alternative.  It happened to be a tuesday night which meant Tacos were being sold 3 for 1 dollar.  This pleased our taste buds and wallets, and we decided Del deserved more of our business for staying open late and being cheap.  So the tradition of "Taco Tuesday" was born in our disgust for Taco Bell's false advertising of being "open late."  Every tuesday we pay our visit to the Del and the Bell has probably lost 100s of dollars in our business.  Anyways, during our traditional visit to Del last night I bought 2 drinks at the register and just handed the other to the person in line behind me.  Everyone around was confused and questioned my actions, but I just said I felt like buying an extra one and walked away.  I was actually a recipient of a free bottled water this week while I was at work.  Someone just came up to me and said I could have this bottled water.  I graciously accepted, and wondered does he have this class too?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blogging huh?

Well as you can see this is the first post of the blogging life of Andrew Geddes.  I know I titled it "super sick" blog, which was mostly sarcastic, but I feel the posting of the music helps a little bit.  I feel largely apathetic towards blogging, and rather pathetic for actually creating one of these.  Suffice it to say that due to a class at BYU (MCOM 320) We've all been asked to create blogs and write in them once a week.  If i'm going to be commited to this I'll probably spice things up a bit with music/pics etc.  just for the heck of it.  Hopefully these blogs posts are somewhat funny and enjoyable to look back upon some time down the line.  Seeing as this thing is also available to the world on the internet I don't envision getting too personal.  
     With the start of the new semester I fortunately don't feel so overwhelmed by my classes like last semester probably due to 3 less credits and no calc.  Classes haven't been tough yet, but with college life comes the oppurtunity of hanging out and slacking off.  I didn't exactly start the semester off too well in being studious instead I found myself hanging out til all hours of the night and sacrificing some good sleep time, but I'm sure once school starts throwing obstacles my way I'll improve my ways and be better.  Anyways thats it for this week hopefully I'll have funny stories to share in the coming weeks.